
2015-08-13 Horse Training


On the way home, I saw some horses for sale. Your knights have enough? Mark my words, a good horse will never let you down! Get them happily situated and trained up, and they'll be valuable assets to your knights! Set up is complete for where they'll live, but will basic training be enough to prepare them? Go help everyone come up with something more advanced!

[==Update requires Level 17+ to participate, and is live 08/13 12pm - 08/17 11:30am==]

1. Horse Shortage
Have 4 horses
Tend 4 horses
Adventure to Search the Ancient Vault (collecting will complete this goal)
Rewards: 1300 coin, 5 xp, 1 enchanted block

2. Hoarse Horses
Give 60 carrots
Have 2 stables
Make 5 ropes (need to craft/collect new rope)
Rewards: 1300 coin, 5 xp, 1 enchanted beam

3. Cavalry Cantering
Craft 5 super glue
Craft 5 fancy beams
Craft 5 fancy blocks
Rewards: 1300 coin, 5 xp, 1 lumin essence

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