
2015-09-03 The Blythewood Faeries Part 1

[==Update requires completion of The Usual Way! for one part and The Tabernum Connection for the other, and will be here to stay!==] 

Extract from the Castle Story Outline Guide 
53. Fickle Faeries - Main thread - Goal Guide
Must have completed Hog Wild, which is the last Goal of the A Boar-ing Problem questline.
1. Fickle Faeries both 2a and 2b start when this goal is completed
2a. Magic R&D 3a starts when 2a completed
2b. Keep Calm And Search On 3b.Trinket Hunt starts when 2b completed
3a. Something There That Wasn't There Before
3b. Trinket Hunt!
4. Faerie Findings 5a and 5b start when this goal is completed 
5a. The Usual Way! 
5b. The Tabernum Connection
The Blythe Gem craft & the Enchanted Sap craft disappear from Faerie Workshop craft listing when complete.
In step 4, you get 1 Goddess Tree Notes when you visit Old Thomas, but still need to visit 3x to complete quest. (max inventory allowed is 1)


Other Useful Information:
* Farmhouses - info on what you need to upgrade them with:
Level 1: 10 Stone, 10 Wood
Level 2: 10 Stone, 10 Wood, 20 Milk
Level 3: 2 Wood Beam, 2 Stone Block, 25 Eggs
Level 4: 4 Wood Beam, 4 Stone Block, 20 Milk, 20 Eggs
Level 5: 3 Fancy Beam, 3 Fancy Block, 30 Milk, 30 Eggs

If you want to get more coin cows and chickens:
500 coins: Cow - pet initial, then 4 pets every 3 minutes to grow to adult. Ready every 10 minutes.
750 coins: Chicken - pet initial, then 4 pets every 3 minutes to grow to adult. Ready every 30 minutes.


Goals for The Usual Way (part A)

1. A Closer Look
Meet with Lady Greselda (visit her once)
Rewards: 385 coin, 3xp

2. Better Consult An Expert
Give Lady Greselda the Tabernum Notes x1 (GIVEを押す)
Process Blythedust x10 (you get 1 Blythedust per collection)
Study the Tablet of Tabernum x5
Rewards: 1775 coin, 6xp
3. Regal Ramifications
Swear to a Pact of Secrecy. Tap button (shh)
Collect Blythewood tree sapling (found in inventory)

4. Let's Try That Again
Place tree
Water tree until it grows up (1 hr.) for 5 times
Chop 6 times get Blythedust, sap, living wood and wood.
5. Necessary Measures

Chop down 1 Blythewood Tree 
6. More Than Meets The Eye
Process Blythedust x 10 (collect from original Goddess Tree)
Visit Ivy's Hut x 1

7. A Second Opinion
Contemplate the Tabernum 1x (press THINK) 
Blythewood Tree
Found: Market
Cost: 5000 coin
Drops: Chop 6x for Blythedust, Sap, Living Wood and Wood
Collection time: 1 hour. Water 5x to adult.
Size: 2x2

Goals for The Tabernum Connection (part B)
Collecting from 3 farmhouses (any level) will trigger this goal if it doesn't happen by itself.

1. It's About Time!
Have 3 x Level 5 farmhouses
Tend 20 animals

2. Preedle of Blythewood
Give Preedle the Blythe Gem
Examine the Goddess Tree x3

3. Magic Collaboration
Place the Faerie Bulb

4. Faerie Discontent
Upgrade the Faerie Bulb to Level 2
De-stress over some Rooty Beers x3 DRINK at Tavern (visit tavern 3 times, or have 3 on board and collect all in one go)

Faerie Bulb Level 2

5. For Glimmer or Blythe?
Upgrade the Faerie Bulb to Level 3

6. Of Faeries and Humans

Upgrade the Faerie Bulb to Level 4
Level 4: drops 1976 coin. 2 Faerie Block, 2 Faerie Beam, 7 Faerie Sap, 25 Fertilizer

7. Pre-emptive Provisions
PREPARE 10 Feasts (any feast will do) MAKE
Upgrade the Faerie Bulb to Level 5
 Level 5: drops 2128 coin. 4 Faerie Beam, 4 Faerie Block, 10 Faerie Sap, 5 Lumin Essence

Faerie Bulb Level 5 (From my neighbor's kingdom)

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