
2015-09-24 Monster Hunt Season 2


The hunt begins anew! Ready thy swords, brave kings and queens, and let us fell every beast within our lands! Any foul creature which rears its ugly head shall be slain by our hands! Do not show those monsters any mercy! Everyone... chaaaaaarge!!!

[==This season requires Level 22+, and is live from 09/24 @ 12pm to 10/05 @ 11:30pm.==]

Level 22+
You need version 1.3.3 (iOS) [Android latest version at the moment is April 2015] need to check on this, but it will still be the minimum... SW

New for Season 2
1. The 3 monster statues from previous season are NO LONGER decorations. Place them on your board. 22 hour collection time.
Note: if they don't have the timer on them, put them in inventory and place them again.
2. Blythewood trees will spawn monsters
3. You can now craft the statues with gold coins.

Skunkupine - 10 gold coins
Fangbeast - 25 gold coins
Dire boar - 50 gold coins.
4. If you have the Jousting Arena at level 4 or 5, it will spawn monsters.

Tips and Tricks:
* DON'T tap the troll pit!!!! Regular trolls don't drop tokens. Neither do pink skunkupines, pink alicorn or wedding alicorn.
* Monsters also drop their normal items in addition to the tokens
* Do the Novice Hunter Trade if you are nearly maxed on Shield tokens so that they don't go to waste

Link to Information Nugget on Beasts extract:

Skunkupine - Flowers, Corn, Wheat, Sugar, Tomato, Fellora Plant, Pepe, some Trees, Plants, Skunkupine Trap (5 gems)
Fangbeast - Animals, Hot Pepper, Carrot, Trees, some Buildings, Fangbeast Trap (5 gems)
Dire Boar - Cabbage, Cocoa, Strawberry, Glimmer Bulbs, Buildings, Goddess Tree, Multi Flowered Hedge, Mushrooms, Pond, Well, Dire Boar Trap (5 gems), Rock Outcropping

The Daily Hunt - each day you will have the chance to battle a monster to get Tokens. There are 3 types of Daily Hunts:
1. Novice Challenge - defeat 5 skunkupines or fangbeasts [10 energy crate]
2. Adept Challenge - collect from a pond to trigger a blue dire boar (30 hits) [10 energy crate]
3. Sovereign Challenge - collect from a glimmerdust trove to trigger a purple golem (90 hits) [25 energy crate]
Reward for each hunt is an energy crate - it goes to your inventory so you can chop it anytime you want!
Note: you get multi hits on each sword hit, so a 30 hit monster might only take 20 energy.

The Tokens! you can have a max of 120 of each of these in inventory
Shield Token - awarded upon attacking skunkupines, fangbeasts, dire boars and glimmer golems
Sword Tokens - awarded upon slaying fangbeasts, dire boars and glimmer golems
Staff Tokens - awarded upon attacking dire boars, blue dire boars and glimmer golems
Gold Tokens - ONLY come from crafting the Sovereign Hunter Trade

 Goals for Season 2.
Part 1: Welcome Back, Trader Trolls - collect 30 tokens, complete any Token trade.
Reward: 1400 coin, 5xp, 1 pile of tokens.

Part 2: A New Season, a New Statue - defeat any 10 monsters.
Reward: 1400 coin, 5xp, 1 pile of tokens.
I finished

Part 3: Troll Curses? - defeat any 25 monsters.
Reward: 2400 coin, 7xp, 1 Season 2 slayer statue


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