
2016-01-21 Monster Hunt Season 4 and Princess Lorelei's Fountain


[==This season requires Level 22+, and is live from 1/21 @ 12pm to 2/1 @ 4:00pm.==]

I put monster statues.

Tokens For My Liege!

A Mermaid's Gift
The sapphires were from a previous iOS only goal. The only way to get the sapphires now is to make them from gold coins in the trade wagon. The fountain takes 2 sapphires which need 10 gold coins each.
Reported Fountain Drops: gold troll token (for cooking camp)

Baron, The Slayer?
Find 10 monsters.
Inglorious Baron
Find 25 monsters. 

Daily Hunt (iOS only)

Novice Challenge
Hunt 5 kunkupins or Fangbeasts
Adept Challenge
Hunt 1 Blue Dire Bore (From Dead Tree)
Sovereign Challenge
Hunt 1 Purple Glimmer Golem (From Horses)
The Hunt Challenge (Android only)
you get 1 set of goals for the entire event, which is equivalent to the iOS daily hunts over the course of the event.
1. Hunt Challenge Sovereign: Defeat 11 Purple Glimmer Golems - collect from Sir Daisy or any coin horse
2. Hunt Challenge Adept: Defeat 11 Blue Dire Boars - collect from a Dead Tree
3. Hunt Challenge Novice: Fight 55 Skunkupines and Fangbeasts

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