
2016-02-25 Search and Rescue Part 1


Goal Pre-requisites: Must have completed A Potion From, And For, The Past which is the last goal in Blythewood Faeries Part 3

1. A Link To The Past
* Return to the Plume Hive (Skip 50 GEM)
* Drink the Fadeprint Elixir (Drink) :: Tap Drink
Rewards: 410 coin, 3 xp
Plume Hive Adventure

2. Glimmerwood Private Investigators, Inc
* Find Clues 0/3 (Note: it will take lots of collecting to find them. They are hidden in flowers, chopping rocks, chopping trees, (maybe not dead trees!), bushes)
The crushed flower was from collecting flowers
The scratched rock was from chopping rocks (iron rich and outcroppings)
The torn cloth was from Bushes
I got Torn Cloth from Bush
I got Scratched Rock from Rock Outcropping
I got Crushed Flower from Flower (Iceland Poppy Patch)

3. Back To The Present
Visit Kaz's Abode
Kaz's Abode: Collection time 8 hours

4. Troll Trust
Visit Swampy Pond x 3, Troll Castle x 5, Troll Pit x 5
Swampy Pond: Collection time 14 minutes
Troll Castle: Collection Time 22 hours
Troll Pit: Collection time 22 hours

5. Fwipple The Good
Visit Sabina House x 1, Troll Castle x 1
Sabina's House: Collection time 4 hours
Troll Castle: Collection Time 22 hours

6. Deal Or No Deal ?
purchase training ground (10,000 coins)
give 10 long swords
give 5 golden nuggets
upgrade training grounds to level 3  I upgraded Level 5. I don't know it's good or not good.

7. Close Enough
give Kaz 1 crushed flower, 1 scratched rock, 1 torn cloth

**Training ground levels
Level 1: 20 fur, 2 fancy blocks, 2 fancy beams, 2 builders paste

Level 2: 20 bone, 1 ornate beam, 1 ornate block, 3 builders paste
Level 3: 2 ornate beam, 2 ornate block, 20 troll essence, 4 builders paste
Level 4: 4 ornate beam, 4 ornate block, 2 architects paste, 20 troll clubs
Level 5: 6 ornate beam, 6 ornate block, 6 architects paste, 30 troll club

Fur                    20
Fancy Blocks        2
Fancy Beams        2
Builders Paste      9 (2, 3, 4)
Bone                  20
Ornate Beam      13 (1, 2, 4, 6)
Ornate Block       13 (1, 2, 4, 6)
Troll Essence       20
Architects Paste    8 (2, 6)
Troll Clubs           50 (20, 30)

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