
2016-03-24 The Great Glimmeregg Hunt


From Forum
Don't update your game!! Huge GEM trap! Every time you run out of energy the 'buy energy with GEM' window pops open, and your finger presses it automatically. by ggfdddgh
I did. Pop up appear, but tap 'X' then window close.
** 2 Neighbors lost GEM.
Glimmeregg Chick
Colored Glimmereggs will only drop after you complete The Great Glimmeregg Hunt. by PikaSquirrel (Forum member)
I bought Glimmeregg Chick. First time, it dropped 3 kinds of eggs.
1st time: Pink, Blue, Mint eggs.
2nd time: same
3rd time: Pink, Lilac, Mint
4th time: Mint, Blue 


Quest has time limit.

1. The Great Glimmeregg Hunt
1-1. Collect from Chickens 5 times
1-2. Find Pink Glimmereggs
  * I got eggs from Chickens, Sawmill
  * Mushrooms dropped Eggs by KAT'S KEEP
  * Ivy's Hut, Mines by cloudsail (Forum member)
1-3. Craft a Pink Jeweled Egg (Magic Forge)
I got Egg

2. Hippity Hoppin
2-1. Chop Trees 20 times. (I collected Mushroom Circle)
2-2. Find 5 Glimmereggs.
I got this

3. Jeweled, You Say?
Make 3 different colored Jeweled Eggs (Magic Forge)
Pink Glimmeregg: Jeweler, Sawmill, Mine, Old Thoma's House, Tavern, Ivy's Hut, Flowers, Market Place
Mint Glimmeregg: Flowers, Jeweler, Tavern, Conservatory, Red Trillium, Dead Tree, Glimmer Alicorn
Baby-Blue Glimmeregg: Sawmill, Tavern, Pond, Mermaid Pond, Well, Maple Tree
Lilac Glimmeregg: Mine, Market Place, Conservatory, Jeweler, Rock Outcropping, Sawmill, Tavern, Glimmer Alicorn, Iron Rich Rock
Yellow Glimmergg: Jeweler, Conservatory, Market Place, Tavern, Trees, Observatory, Glimmer Alicorn (what's this ?)
Firm (Field) doesn't drop egg yet. (Don't drop ?) 
Deep Mine doesn't drop egg yet.
Blue Item is information from forum.
Green Item is Information from neighbors.
I made Egg
Reward (Bunny Burrow is decoration)

4. Hoppin' Dawn The Bunny Trail
Make 5 different colored Jeweled Eggs (Magic Forge)
Already we made 3 eggs.
I made Egg
Quest finished. I can't make more egg.
Glimmeregg Chick dropped normal egg.
Bunny dropped Wool and Egg.
Unlocked Items

Royal Proclamation

New Building “Glimmeregg Forge”
I don't know we have to buy it or not.

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