
2016-05-06 Fire And Ice (iOS Only - TIMED / OPTIONAL)


[==Update requires app update to Version 1.5 on iOS, Level 15+, and will be available to start beginning 5/6. Once started, you will have 10 days to complete the event. The event will automatically start on 5/9.==]
This event is iOS only.
We can get only 1 dragon. (same as horse quest)  If you want other one, need 500 GEM.
Dragon drops Coin, Dragon Scale, Energy.

Your version is here.

----- from Forum
Q: Can I craft 2 dragons ?
A: YES ! If you have a second Magic Forge, you can buy a 2nd Dragon Stone. But once you craft one, you lose the opportunity for the craft, so you'd need to do them both at the same time. Another Dragon egg costs 500 GEM.

If your level is not same as me (I'm level 50), your quest is not same below.

1-1. Visit Market Place 4 times. (Market Place 22 hours)
1-2. Visit Cottage 10 times. by Marina
1-3 Visit Farmhouse 10 times.

2-1. Search the Library 1
2-2. Find the Tome of Ancients (keep collecting from Libraries till you find it?)
no photo. because I had book already. So 2-2 didn't appear.
2-3. Read the Tome (press Read)

3-1. Visit Old Thomas 2 times.
3-2. Search the Elder Cave
3-3. Collect 3 Fire Seeds and Ice Seeds (Total 3 Seeds)
I have 1 Seed before start 3-1, Knight came back with Fire and Ice Seeds (Barracks). Now I have 3 Seeds. So 3-3 didn't appear.

4-1. Grow a Fire Lily (1 Fire Seeds, 20 Water, 10 Glimmerdust). 2 hours crafting time
If we have Fire Lily already, we have to make it.
4-2. Grow an Ice Lily (1 Ice Seeds, 20 Water, 10 Glimmerdust) 2 hours to craft
If we have Ice Lily already, we have to make it.
4-3. Harvest 10 Fire Lilies or Ice Lilies. The Ice Lilies and Fire Lilies have a 30 minute timer. (Skip 100 gems). The Ice Lilies drop Ice Petals and Fire Lilies drop Fire Petals. I mostly got 1 petal but got 2 petals once.

5-1. Have 25 Fire Petals. (The ones I had from before counted)
5-2. Have 25 Ice Petals.
no photo. I have many Petals already.
Reward for goal 2: 1 Mastery Hilt
5-3. Craft the Mastery Sword (25 Fire Petals, 25 Ice Petals, 1 Mastery Hilt) 3 hours to forge
If we finished chapter 5, Naga can appear (Caution: If other monster exist, Naga don't appear.). I slayed 3 Nagas, I got them.

6-1. Defeat 1 Naga (check Water: Pond, Mermaid Pond, Rustic Well)
6-2. Chop a Naga trap (check your inventory)
6-3. Slay 20 Nagas (the ones from before counted. No count.)
** My friend said, it's mean slayed Naga (chapter 6-2) is included in 20.
Notes: If you get the Hero crest Naga's stop appearing. bug reported to S8... S
I got Hero's Crest (max=5). but still Naga appear.
1 Hero's Crest used by chapter 10. (only 1 ? I don't know.)
I got Coral Reef too. (I got small one too.)

7-1. Visit 20 Kingdoms (not neighbors)
7-2. Receive 20 Safety Advocates (ASK)
7-3. present the warrants (Tap "Show")

8-1. Slay 10 monsters. (Can be dire boar, fangbeast or Nagas ? mayby also skunkpines)
(I slayed Naga 2, Skunkpine 4, Dire Boar 3, fangbeast 1)
8-2. Give 75 Boar Pelts (skip 450 GEM)
8-3. Celebrate twice at a level 5 Tavern. (Visit level 5 Tavern 2 times.)

9-1. Slay 15 Nagas
9-2. Give 70 Naga fins

9-3. Have a Hero's Crest (If you have Hero's Crest, quest will finish.)

10-1. Receive 5 signatures (from neighbors)
10-2. Build the Dragon's Hoard (500 coin, 50 Jewels, 75 Bone, 20 Shell Armor (from Naga) and 10 Golden Eggs)
10-3. Complete the Dragon Stone Ritual (The stone is almost ours!). Press "GO".
* bone comes from fangbeast, trolls, dire boars, Ivy's hut, troll pit, troll castle, spooky tree, Gentleman Troll (Baron's Tent prize)
* goal 3 - This takes you to the Magic Forge to craft the Dragon's Stone. 1 Safety Certification, 1 Mastery Sword and 1 Hero's Crest (which dropped from Naga). Crafting time is 3 hours.
----- from Forum

Finished (If you can't see this picture, closed game (delete background) and restart game.)
My friend said, "Visit other kingdom and return to home then it appeared."
Fire and Ice Lilies start dropping again when Chapter 10 is finished.

Visit Stables
Select Dragon
If you want other Dragon, buy Egg (500 GEM)

One more quest: We can get energy box.

I found books in my inventory. What's this ?  Maybe from Library.

New Adventure (Castle and Barracks)  1.5 hours
I got Fire Seeds (2nd adventure)
I got Ice Seeds (4th adventure)

Potion Shop has 2 new menu.
Before having an instruction, I made a Fire Lily and Ice Lily. I don't know whether it was good or no good. they drop something. (wait 30 minutes)
I got Petals. Also Fire Lily drops Orange Petal, Ice Lily drops Blue Petal.
I have a mistake.  I bought Dragon's Hoard.  It's quest item of chapter 10.  I'm Ok ?


  1. thanks for the infos Hida!! (NebulousK on CS)
    will keep checking here :) Currently waiting for chapter 3 to start

  2. Lisa Bush
    Thanks for all the info
