
2016-06-16 Essence of the Forest (TIMED / OPTIONAL)


Something's amiss in the forest! The trees, plants, and all the creatures that live there need you now! Anything you can do to heal the forest will help! Go with our friends, and discover the secrets lurking among the brush... !

[==Update requires app update to Version 1.5+, Level 15+, and will be available to start beginning 06/16. Once started, you will have 10 days to complete the event. The event will automatically start on 06/20.==]

* For Android players, you must update to as minimum version is 1.5.
* For iOS players, you must update to 1.5.2

* Barracks doesn't have Forest Adventure.

* Need more Longsword:
*** Crafted: magic forge
*** Found: jousting arena, Thurston's house, Destrier, Rouncey, Dragon Bones (Baron's tent prize), Fireworks Dragon (Baron's tent), Troll Training Ground, Dragons, Armored Fire Dragon, Armored Ice Dragon, Knights Hall

Forest Petals
Found: Iceland Poppy Patch (the white flowers)

Forest Seeds
Found: Forest Adventure

Forest Wood
Found: Chopping trees (From KAT'S KEEP)

Forest Raccoons
Found: chopping tree

Forest Spirits
Found: slay Forest Raccoons

Forest Extract
Found: drop from Forest Thistle

Forest Nectar
Found: drop from Forest Dahlia

Petal Potion
Crafted: Forest Workshop, 1 hour
Requirements: 10 Forest petals, 10 Sap

Forest Essence
Crafted: Forest Workshop, 2 hour
Requirements: 15 Forest Wood, 10 Forest Spirits, 7 Forest Extract

Found: Completing the Essence of the Forest Event June 2016

Forest Tree (Level 15+) (2x2) limit 1 Cannot? be sold
Collection time: 1 hour
Speed up: 2 gems
Drops: xp until fully grown
Level 1/Build: 15 Water, 10 Forest Seeds
Level 2: 20 Water, 14 Forest Seeds, 10 Forest Petals
Level 3: 25 Water, 18 Forest Seeds, 20 Forest Petals, 3 Petal Potions
Level 4: 30 Water, 3 Petal Potion, 1 Forest Essence, 20 Forest Nectar
Level 5: 40 Water, 3 Petal Potion, 1 Forest Essence, 30 Forest Nectar
Level 6: 50 Water, 1 Forest Essence, 50 Forest Nectar, 4 Forest Magic

Forest Workshop (Level 15+) (2x2) limit 1 Can be sold
Build: 4 Stone Block, 4 Wooden Beam, 2 Forest Seeds

We got Royal Dragon.

Chapter 1

1. Visit Ivy's Hut.

2. Go on Forest Adventure
But there's no forest adventure at first. HAD TO FORCE CLOSE for it to show up!!!: I'm Ok.
Adventure: 5 Strawberries, 1 Longswords, 30 minutes.
I got 3 Forest Seeds from adventure.

3. Do Forest Adventure 3 times.
Chapter 1 finished.

Chapter 2

1. Visit Old Thomas' House

2. Grow the Forest Sapling
Forest Sapling: Potion Shop (8 Forest Seeds, 10 Water, 2 hours)
I got

3. Build the Forest Tree
Forest Tree Level 1: 15 Water, 10 Forest Seeds
Chapter 2 finished.

Chapter 3

1. Visit Sawmill

2. Build Forest Workshop
Buy in market for 500 coins. (4 Stone Block, 4 Wooden Beam, 2 Forest Seeds)

3. Find Forest Petals need 4 of them
Find by collecting from Iceland Poppy Patch

4. Collect From level 2 Forest Tree
Forest Tree Level 2: 20 Water, 14 Forest Seeds, 10 Forest Petals
Chapter 3 finished

Chapter 4

1. Go on Forest Adventure x2 (Skip 50 GEM)

2. Make Petal Potion
Petal Potion: 10 Forest Petals, 10 Sap, 1 hour (Forest Workshop)

3. Collect From Level 3 Forest Tree
Forest Tree Level 3: 20 Forest Petals, 18 Forest Seeds, 3 Petal Potions, 25 Water

Chapter 5

1. Read about the Forest Sword
Tap "Read"
Reword (Forest Wood)

2. Make Forest Sword
Forest Sword: 2 Forest Wood, 1 Longsword, 2 hours (Forest Workshop)
Forest wood from trees

3. Slay Forest Raccoons - can skip for 50 GEM
Chop the trees
Aspen trees been great for the raccoon take 6 chops to chop down and get 1 for sure alot of times 2 and a few 3 of raccoons from Forum
If your kingdom has other monster, raccoon never appear.

4. Find more Forest spirits need 4 of them - says to chop trees to find more forest raccoons.
Forest spirits from Raccoons
Tried dead trees before and they did not spawn the raccoon from Forum

Chapter 6

1. Visit Old Thomas' House
Reward: Forest Thistle
If you couldn't get it, complete close Castle Story and restart it. And check your inventory.

2. Find Forest Extract from Forest Thistle x 3
Forest Thistle has a 3 hour timer. 3 gems to speed up.
Forest Extract
Reward: Forest Essence

3. Craft Forest Essence
Forest essence: 15 Forest Wood, 10 Forest Spirits, 7 Forest Extract

Chapter 7

1. Visit Ivy's Hut
Reward: Forest Dahlia

2. Find Forest Nectar from the Forest Dahlia x6
Forest Dahlia has 1 hour timer
I got 3, 1, 2

3. Collect From Forest Tree Level 4
Forest Tree to level 4: 3 Petal Potion, 1 Forest Essence, 20 Forest Nectar, 30 Water

Chapter 8

1. Visit Market Place

2. Visit Community Kingdoms x 30
Visit only.
Reward: Bloom Petals

3. Collect from level 5 Forest Tree
Forest Tree Level 5: 3 Petal Potion, 1 Forest Essence, 30 Forest Nectar, 40 Water

Chapter 9

1. Ask neighbors for 20 Forest Stones. (Skip 15 GEM)

2. Trade with the Baron, (Complete any Royal Exchange) x 4. (Skip 20 GEM)
Start 4th trade then 9-2 finished.

3. Search for the Paradise Blooms from Mine (Skip 20 GEM)
I got nothing. Maybe we will get it 10-1.

Chapter 10

1. Visit Ivy's Hut x1 (Skip 15 GEM)
Reward: Paradise Bloom (1 hour)

2. Collect 5 Forest Blooms from Paradise Bloom.
Reward: Forest Magic

3. Craft Forest Magic
Forest Magic: 10 Forest Extracts, 10 Forest Blooms, 1 Petal Potion, 2 hours

4. Collect from level 6 Forest Tree.
Forest Tree Level 6: 50 Water, 1 Forest Essence, 50 Forest Nectar, 4 Forest Magic
Forest Tree Level 6

Raccoon lives in my kingdom. :-)

Level 6 Forest Tree has been changed to a 1 hour timer. The timer for level 6 will return to a 22 hour timer after the event.

Quest Book

From Forum
note: these goals are optional. They were designed to follow the story only. There is no reward for completing any of these. There is no use for seeds once chapter 4 is complete.

1. Essence of the Forest Part I
Collect 20 Forest Seeds from Forest Adventure.

2. Essence of the Forest Part II
Collect 45 Forest Seeds from Forest Adventure. (You can use your stock.)
Collect 20 Forest Petals from Iceland Poppy Patch.

3. Essence of the Forest Part III
Collect 75 Forest Seeds
Craft Petal Potion (not sure mine is just checked off. Me too.
Slay 18 Forest Raccoons (Skip 150 GEM)
Finished. Collect only, so I don't lost Forest Seeds.

4. Essence of the Forest Part IV (9 Days ?)
Collect Forest Seeds 110 (maybe)
Craft Petal Potion x8
Collect Forest Nectar x20 (Collect only. I used 20 it for upgrade Forest Tree. No need to collect 40 it, 20 only.)
Slay Forest Raccoons x 40

------- My Neighbor's Kingdom ---------


  1. Was is Forest magic please in Level 10 for Level up the Forest Tree? Dont find it in Game!!!

    1. Forest Magic is chapter 10.
      Forest Tree Level 6: 50 Water, 1 Forest Essence, 50 Forest Nectar, 4 Forest Magic
      Craft Forest Magic: 10 Forest Extracts, 10 Forest Blooms, 1 Petal Potion. 2 hours craft
