
2016-09-29 The Elves


[==Update requires Level 27+ on Version 1.6, and will be here to stay.==]

I'm level 50 player, if you are lower level player then quest is not same maybe.

We need to update of Castle Story (iOS). Android ? I'm sorry. I don't know.

To Android user


Update has bug. No user name.
When I start Castle Story, this picture appear. What's this ? (right side)
Picture of Coconut Tree and Jeweled Gate are fixed.

We have to expand our kingdom (We have to finish quest.)

1. My Chicken Sense Is Tingling!

1-1. Harvest 10 animals
1-2. Harvest 2 Stables
1-3. Harvest 2 Hatcheries

2. A Stranger In The Wood

2-1. Visit Level 6 Tavern
2-2. Use 3 Spicy Feasts
Tavern Level 6: 20 Truffle, 3 Hearty Stew, 3 Spellbound Block, 3 Spellbound Beam

3.Nasty, Big, Pointy Talons!

3-1. Visit 10 Watchtowers or Lantern Spires
3-2. Use 5 Longswords [Give]
3-3. Use 5 Light Armour [Give]

4. A Beauty Or A Beast ?

4-1. Make 3 Avian Feasts
4-2. Craft 5 Cloth Bandages
Avian Feast: 30 Pile of Seeds, 3 Magic Fruit, 5 Rat Tail, 3 hours
Pile of Seeds: Conservatory, Faery Flowerbed, Ivy's Hut, Magic Garden, Glimmer Fountain, Ivy's Petting Zoo, Summer Gazebo, Goddess Tree, Faerie Respite
Cloth Bandage: 10 Wool, 10 Sap, 1000 Coin, 2 hours

5. Feathery Friendship

5-1. Use Avian Feast [Give]
5-2. Use Cloth Bandage [Give]
5-3. Visit Ivy's Hut

6. Past Finder

6-1. Reach Level 30
6-2. Find the Elven Outpost
Expand Kingdon

7. Elven Restoration

7-1. Use 2 Royal Beams
7-2. Use 2 Royal Blocks
7-3. Use 1 Architect's Paste
7-4. Use 1 Lumin Essence

8. The Final Touches

8-1. Tap "Go"

9. Off And Away !

9-1. Tap "Go"
Elven Outpost

I don't understand, but I did.

Use All Items (6 Woods, 2 Glimmerdusts, ...)

10. Resourceful Returns

10-1. Tap "Get" and get "Elvenite Slab"

11. Le Tour De Glimmerwood

11-1. Visit Farmhouses and Cottages 10 times.
11-2. Visit Level 6 Theater
11-3. Visit Level 6 Conservatory
Theater Level 6
Conservatory Level 6

12. Augmenting Realities

12-1. Buy Apothecary

13. Working Wonders

13-1. Craft a Fast Worker Boost
Tap "Forge"(need Silver Runes and Bronze Runes)

14. Crafting Overdrive !

14-1. Activate the Fast Worker Boost
** One time only (If you use Fast Worker Boost, then it disappear.)
14-2. Craft anything in the Workshop
Activate the Fast Worker Boost
Reward: 5 Silver Runes, 4 Bronze Runes
** I forget to take a Screenshot
** If you do 14-2, you can get Reward.

15. An  Expert Opinion

** When I finished 11, then start this event
15-1. Recruit a Magic Expert (already finished. I did nothing.)
15-2. Visit Greselda's Castle

16.  Peony Predictions

16-1. Visit Greselda's Dark Garden 3 times.

17. Communing with Clouds

17-1. Visit Ivy's Hut
17-2. Visit Greselda's Castle
Reward: unlock Elven Reliquary

18. No Ordinary Reliquary

18-1. Buy Elven Reliquary (costs 8 Runes)
Elven Reliquary
18-2. Collect 40 Elvenites (Get this from Mines, Deep Mines and by chopping Elvenite Slabs which are avaiable in Rune Market. If you have Elvenites already. Ones in inventory do count.)
18-3. Craft Elvenite Node
Elvenite Node: 40 Elvenite, 10 Living Wood, 2 Enchanter's Essence, 1 hour

19. With Our Magics Combined
19-1. Collect 20 Glimmerdusts (Ones in inventory do count.)
19-2. Craft 5 Earth Wisps (Ones in inventory do count.)
19-3. Craft Glimmerite Elixir
19-4. Tap "Give"
Glimmerite Elixir: 30 Elvenite, 20 Glimmerdust, 5 Earth Wisps, 3 hours

20.  Storm Chasers

20-1. Use Hearty Feast
20-2. Tap "Go"

21. A Turbulent Totem

21-1. Send an Outpost Delivery
21-2. Visit Old Thomas 3 times
Elven Outpost
Quest finished.

Market Menu Changed


Elven Reliquary


  1. I love this site.
    Thank you

  2. Hi, how do we get the update?? I use android.

    1. I'm sorry. I don't know. Please check forum (Top line is LINK of forum.)

  3. Hi, how do we get the update?? I use android.

  4. To update: at Google play store re-download castle story (the original)
