
2016-10-20 Spooky Hollow Event


I'm level 50 player, if you are lower level player then quest is not same maybe.

----- Forum Info -----
Tips from players
1. It's not that you have one day to complete a chapter - it's that another chapter won't UNLOCK until the next day.
2. If you finish the chapter early, you have to wait for the remainder of the time to expire before the next chapter starts. You have to complete a chapter to begin the next chapter.
3. If you take longer than a day to complete a chapter then the next one will start sooner.
4. If you gem skip a chapter, the next one doesn't start sooner (you will wait even longer!).


New item: Haunted Cottage (You can have 40 Town buildings. If you want new building, you have to sell other Town building.)
Level 1: 3 Stone Block, 3 Wooden Beam
Level 2: 25 Wood, 25 Stone, 10 Hide
Level 3: 5 Fur, 2 Stone Block, 2 Wooden Beam
Level 4: 25 Hide, 10 Fur, 2 Fancy Block, 2 Fancy Beam
Level 5: 20 Fur, 4 Fancy Block, 4 Fancy Beam, 5 Yellow Dye
Level 6: 2 Enchanted Beam, 20 Fur, 2 Enchanted Block, 10 Yellow Dye

----- Forum Info -----
Grand Prize: Morgaine. Morgaine is like Zabrina (She will fly in your kingdom)

Journey to Spooky Hollow Adventure
Adventure Requirement: 10 Witch's Dust, 3 Earth Wisps, 2 hours
Adventure Requirement for Lower Leveled players (level 34 and under): 7 Witch's Dust, 2 Earth Wisps

Drops: Coin, Sap, Bones, Spooky Wall, Mummy Kitten, Vampire Puppy, Pumpkin Pup, Haunted Path, Creep Tooth, Living Wood, Spooky Tower, Spooky Gate, Halloween Banner, Haystack


----- Forum Info -----
Witch's Dust stops dropping in between chapters. It will drop if you do not collect from your adventure and complete the chapter.
** I seem if castle doesn't have "Journey to Spooky Hollow" adventure menu, Dead Tree doesn't drop Witch's Dust.


Chapter 1

1-1.  Visit Cottage
1-2. Visit Jeweler
1-3. Collect 10 Map Pieces from Cottages or Jewelers

Chapter 2

2-1. Visit Library 2 times
2-2. Collect 5 Witch's Dust from Dead Tree
2-3. Craft Enchanted Compass by Ivy's Cauldron
Enchanted Compass: 1 Cursed Compass, 5 Witch's Dust, 5 Earth Wisp
2-4. Adventure "Journey to Spooky Hollow" (Big Earthquake occurred. I forgot to take a screen shot.)
Journey to Spooky Hollow: 10 Witch's Dust, 3 Earth Wisps, 2 hours

Chapter 3

3-1. Visit Ivy's Hut
3-2. Give Ivy the Enchanted Compass [GIVE]
3-3. Craft Witch's Potion by Ivy's Cauldron
Witch's Potion: 75 Water, 75 Orange Petal, 50 Mermaid Scales, 2 hours
3-4. Use 75 Creep Tooth [Give]
3-5. Adventure "Journey to Spooky Hollow" 2 times
Journey to Spooky Hollow: 10 Witch's Dust, 3 Earth Wisps, 2 hours
I got Haunted Path by Adventure

Mermaid Scales are Found: mermaid pond, ponds, wells, swampy pond, trade with Belladonna, Castle Garden, Princess Lorelei's Fountain, Faerie Fountain
Orange petals are found specifically in talinum auranticum, Sunflowers, Fire Fox + all of the places Pandom petals drop from (refer to Petals in the Inventory Guide)

Chapter 4

4-1. Visit a Level 4 Market Place 2 times
4-2. Visit a Level 3 Jeweler
4-3. Visit a Haunted Cottage
4-4. Adventure "Journey to Spooky Hollow" 2 times
Journey to Spooky Hollow: 10 Witch's Dust, 3 Earth Wisps, 2 hours

Chapter 5

5-1. Collect 10 Mushrooms
** I collected them but quest doesn't finish. I restart Castle Story then quest finished.
Reward: Potion (no display)
5-2. Craft Enchant a Haunted Sword by Ivy's Cauldron
Enchant a Haunted Sword: 1 Potion, 10 Witch's Dust, 50 Mushrooms, 5 hours
5-3. Clear a Dead Tree
5-4. Slay 25 Werebeasts
5-5. Adventure "Journey to Spooky Hollow" 3 times

Chapter 6

6-1. Visit a level 4 Stable
6-2. Visit a level 4 Conservatory 2 times
6-3. Adventure "Journey to Spooky Hollow" 5 times

Chapter 7

7-1. Give 75 Prime Cut [Give]
Prime Cut: Cows (except the Purple Cow), Sheep, Adventures. Gem Cows drop more Prime Cuts (the more expensive the Cow is, the more Prime Cuts it drops). Black Sheep always drops Prime Cuts. Purple Cow and Stables don't drop them. Cozy Holiday Sheep (Baron's tent), Santa Sheep (Baron's tent), Flower Power Sheep, Royal Dragon
** Level 15 - 34 players: Give 30 Bacon
7-2. Slay 50 Werebeasts
7-3. Visit a level 5 Haunted Cottage
7-4. Adventure "Journey to Spooky Hollow" 4 times

Chapter 8

8-1. Visit 20 community kingdoms (Visit only)
** Level 15 - 34 players: Visit 10 community kingdoms
8-2. Ask neighbors for 20 Haunted Steel
** Level 15 - 34 players: Ask 10 Haunted Steel
8-3. Craft a Lantern Frame by Ivy's Cauldron
Lantern Frame: 20 Haunted Steel, 50 Iron Ore, 60 Silver, 4 hours
8-4. Adventure "Journey to Spooky Hollow" 3 times

Chapter 9

9-1. Collect 20 Ghost Orbs.(Collect from Watchtowers and Lantern Spires) (Note: each collection drops 1-3)
** I visited 7 towers, I got 9 Orbs.
Reward: Cursed Lantern.
9-2. Craft Haunted Lantern by Ivy's Cauldron
Haunted Lantern: 1 Cursed Lantern, 20 Ghost Orbs, 50 Glimmerdust, 4 hours
9-3. Adventure "Journey to Spooky Hollow" 3 times

Chapter 10

10-1. Collect 50 Haunted Straw from Farmhouses.
10-2. Craft a Witch's Broom.
Witch's Broom: 1 Banner Pole, 50 Haunted Straw, 20 Living Wood, 2 hours
Banner Pole: 1 Wooden Beam, 5 Iron Ore, 500 coin, 3 hours
10-3. Adventure "Journey to Spooky Hollow" 6 times
Reward: Morgaine (Automatically flying your kingdom)

========= Next Event ==========
Here are the goals that start after Morgaine enters your kingdom

1. Where The Witchy Things Are

1-1. Visit Cottage 10 times
1-2. Give 30 Water
1-3. Use 3 Hearty Feasts
Reward: Old Cauldron

2. A Spell a Day Keeps The Curse Away

2-1. Craft Ivy's Concoction by Potion Shop
Ivy's Concoction: 5 Mysterious Venom, 25 Rat Tails, 50 Bones, 1 hour
2-2. Craft Brewing Cauldron by Potion Shop
Brewing Cauldron: 1 Old Cauldron, 1 Ivy's Concoction, 10 min

3. The Big Brew Theory

3-1. Visit the Library
3-2. Find Ivy's Spellbook from Library
3-3. Tap "Read"

4. Practice Makes Potion

4-1. Collect Pond 5 times
4-2. Collect 25 Swamp Water from Pond
4-3. Craft Frog's Breath by Brewing Cauldron
4-4. Tap "Give"
Frog's Breath: 25 Swamp Water, 50 Glimmerdust, 10 Sugar, 2 hours
Reward: Witch's Den

5. Welcome Home, Morgaine!

5-1. Visit Witch's Den

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