
2018-05-03 Freshening Up With Florals [updated May-11 10:55]

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----- Forum Info -----
Guard Dog, Guardsman Statue, Lit Torch: Market xxx coin. available after purchasing the Guardsman Kingdom citizen.

1. Freshening Up With Florals

1-1. Visit Old Thomas's House

2. Organic Orchids 

2-1. Buy a Potted Orchid at the Market (max 10)
2-1. Tend the Potted Orchid
2-3. Gather a Wild Orchid from Potted Orchid
Potted Orchid

3. Wild Willows

3-1. Chop a Blossoming Willow (Buy it at the Market)
3-2. Gather Wild Lily from Blossoming Willow
3-3. Make Wild Bouquet at the Workshop
Blossoming Willow
Wild Bouquet: 12  Wild Lily, 2 Wild Orchid, 2 hours

4. A Wild Rose By Any Other Name

4-1. Chop a Rock Outcropping
4-2. Gather a Wild Rose from Rock Outcropping
4-3. Make a Mystic Bouquet at the Workshop
Mystic Bouquet: 4 Wild Rose, 2 Wild Orchid, 1 hour

5.Burgeoning Bouquets

5-1. Make/Have 2 Wild Bouquets
5-2. Make/Have 2 Mystic Bouquets
5-3. Make 2 Garden Benches at the Workshop
Garden Bench: 2 Wild Bouquet, 2 Mystic Bouquet, 2 hours

6. The Skunkupines Have Sprung

6-1. Chop a Blossoming Willow
6-2. Slay a Spring Skunkupine (from Blossoming Willow)
6-3. Gather a Scented Petals (Spring Skunkupine drops it)
Spring Skunkupine (15 hits)
Scented Petals

7. The Top Topiary

7-1. Make 2 Wild Bouquets at the Workshop
7-2. Make 2 Mystic Bouquets at the Workshop
7-3. Make 3 Floral Garlands at the Workshop
7-4. Make 2 Knight Topiaries at the Workshop
Floral Garland: 4 Scented Petals, 2 Mystic Bouquet , 2 Wild Bouquet, 4 hours
Knight Topiary: 4 Wild Bouquet, 4 Mystic Bouquet, 3 Floral Garland, 2 hours
Knight Topiary
Reward: Rocket

8. A Discovery In The Larkspurs

8-1. Raise the Spring Skunkupea(Rocket)
8-2. Feed the Spring Skunkupine(Rocket) (wait 8 hours)
8-3. Gather Tiny Daisies (from Rocket)
Tiny Daisies

9. Raising Rocket Right

9-1. Gather Water (How many ? (20 maybe) I have it already.)
9-2. Gather Stone (How many ? (50 maybe) I have it already.)
9-3. Make 5 Floral Garlands at the Workshop
** If we have some  Floral Garlands then we have to make 5 Floral Garlands.
9-4. Build the 2 Spring Fountains at the Workshop
Spring Fountain: 4 Floral Garland, 20 Water, 50 Stone, 1 hour

10 Flowers For Rocket

10-1. Brew 4 Spring Water at the Potion Shop
10-2. Gather 3 Tiny Daisies (rare drop from Rocket, Rocket Jr. or Spring Skunkupea)
10-3. Make 4 Floral Garlands at the Workshop
10-4. Make 4 Enchanted Bouquets at the Workshop
Spring Water: 5 Water, 1 Wild Orchid, 4 Wild Lilies, 30 mins
Enchanted Bouquet: 4 Spring Water, 3 Tiny Daisies, 4 Floral Garland, 1 hour

11. Mean Skunkupines

11-1. Visit Old Thomas's House
11-2. Slay the Enraged Spring Skunkupine (from Old Thomas's House)

12. The Orchid Onslaught

12-1. Repair the Garden Staff at the Magic Forge
12-2. Visit Old Thomas's House
12-3. Slay the Enraged Spring Skunkupine
Repair the Garden Staff: 1 Broken Garden Staff, 25 Wild Lilies, 10 Wild Orchids, 10 mins

13. A Friend For Rocket

13-1. Make the Spring Steed at the Workshop
Spring Steed: 4 Enchanted Bouquet(no need to make it), 4 Tiny Daisies, 4 Scented Petals, 10 mins
tap 5 or 6 times ? became big.
Spring Steed drops Carrots, Energy, Fertilizer, Horse Hair, Sugar


Ivy's Magic Nursery

We can make only one Spring Skunkupea.


Weekend Warrior

[LINK] Weekend Warrior



  1. The art in the game is nice.

  2. Again not enough time to finish ; we should buy not funny anymore !!!
