
2018-11-01 A Family Affair [updated Nov-13 16:24]


Scrapbook Parchment: Dead Tree
Baron's Binky: Ivy's Hut
Baron's Blanket: Red Acer Tree/Apple Tree/Orange Tree/Lemon/Maple Tree (thank you Mc5.)
Baron's Dollie: Chicken/Swan
Baron's Bonnet: Farmhouse
Baron's Diary Pages: Fi-Fi (Pond)
Baron's Love Note: Watchtower
*** I couldn't find it in my inventory.

1. A Family Affair 1

1-1. Clear a Dead Tree
1-2. Gather a Scrapbook Parchment from the Dead Tree
1-3. Tap "Look"

2. A Family Affair 2

2-1. Visit Ivy's Hut
2-2. Find the Baron's Binky from Ivy's Hut

3. A Family Affair 3

3-1. Clear a Red Acer Tree
3-2. Gather 12 Baron's Blankets from the Red Acer Tree
3-3. Do "A Bouncing Baby Baron" event (Read below.)

A Bouncing Baby Baron

1. Find the First Corner from Farmhouse
2. Find the Second Corner from Bush
3. Find the Third Corner from Chicken
4. Find the Fourth Corner from Dead Tree

4. A Family Affair 4

4-1. Make Scrapbook Chapter 1 at the Magic Forge
4-2. Repair the Scrapbook at the Workshop
Scrapbook Chapter 1: 10 Scrapbook Parchment, 2 Baron's Binky, 12 Baron's Blanket, 2 hours
Repair the Scrapbook: 1 Scrapbook Chapter 1, 1 Enchanter's Essence, 25 Glimmerdust, 10 mins
Reward: Baby Fi-Fi's Bed (decoration)

5. A Family Affair 5

5-1. Feed the Chicken
5-2. Gather 8 Baron's Dollie from Chicken/Swan

6. A Family Affair 6

6-1. Visit Farmhouse
6-2. Gather 4 Baron's Bonnets from Farmhouse
6-3. Make Scrapbook Chapter 2 at the Magic Forge
6-4. Do "Baron's Beloved Binky" event (read bellow.)
Scrapbook Chapter 2: 12 Scrapbook Parchment, 8 Baron's Dollie, 4 Baron's Bonnet, 30 mins

Baron's Beloved Binky

1. Find the First Corner from Sparkling Mine
2. Find the Second Corner from White Trillium
3. Find the Third Corner from Cottsge
4. Find the Fourth Corner from Rock Outcropping/Small Rock Pile/Iron Rich Rock/Dark Cave Formation

7. A Family Affair 7

7-1. Make 2 Scrapbook Chapter 1 at the Magic Forge
7-2. Make 2 Scrapbook Chapter 2 at the Magic Forge
7-3. Repair the Scrapbook at the Workshop
Repair the Scrapbook: 2 Scrapbook Chapter 1, 2 Scrapbook Chapter 2, 2 Wisp Lantern, 10 mins
Reward: 50 crowns, Baby Fi-Fi
Baby Fi-Fi (8 hours timer)

8. A Family Affair 8

8-1. Visit Watchtower
8-2. Collect 2 Baron's Love Notes from Watchtower
*** I visited Watchtower 4 times and got 0 note

9. A Family Affair 9

9-1. Slay Fi-Fi (spawn from Pond)
9-2. Collect 4 Baron's Dairy Pages (Fi-Fi drops it)
9-3. Make a Scrapbook Chapter 3 at the Magic Forge
9-4. Do "Dearest Diary" event (read bellow)
Scrapbook Chapter 3: 12 Scrapbook Parchment, 3 Baron's Love Note, 4 Baron's Dairy Pages, 1 hour

Dearest Diary

1. Find the Diary Binding from Horse
2. Find the Diary Quill (make anything at the Workshop)
3. Find the Diary Lock at the Hatchery
*** I visited  Hatchery 6 times but I couldn't get it. I used 12 GEM and skiped :-(
*** Storm8 fixed bug.
4. Find the Diary Key (slay Skunkupine)

10. A Family Affair 10

10-1. Make 3 Scrapbook Chapter 1 at the Magic Forge
10-2. Make 4 Scrapbook Chapter 2 at the Magic Forge
10-3. Make 4 Scrapbook Chapter 3 at the Magic Forge
10-4. Repair the Scrapbook at the Workshop
Repair the Scrapbook: 3 Scrapbook Chapter 1, 4 Scrapbook Chapter 2, 4 Scrapbook Chapter 3, 10 mins
Reward: 100 crowns, Baron's Clubhouse

11. A Family Affair 11

11-1. Make Photo of Pfefferknot Family at the Baron's Clubhouse
11-2. nothing to do
Photo of Pfefferknot Family: 5 Scrapbook Parchment, 2 Simple Feast, 1 Lumin Essence, 30 mins

12. A Family Affair 12

12-1. Make 6 Scrapbook Chapter 1 at the Magic Forge
12-2. Make 6 Scrapbook Chapter 2 at the Magic Forge
12-3. Make 6 Scrapbook Chapter 3 at the Magic Forge
12-4. Repair the Scrapbook at the Workshop
Repair the Scrapbook: 6 Scrapbook Chapter 1, 6 Scrapbook Chapter 2, 6 Scrapbook Chapter 3, 10 mins


Fi-Fi's Great Adventure

1. Buy the Fi-Fi at the Market



  1. Thank you for your help( again)

  2. Thank you for putting all this together. You are very generous.

  3. Thanks; as always
    Struggling for Baron’s diary pieces

    1. from forum: hatchery *** THE LOCK WILL NOT DROP - CODING ERROR REPORTED TO S8 ***

  4. As like chystalis I'm stuggstrug with tnt diary piece's. Please help

    1. from forum: hatchery *** THE LOCK WILL NOT DROP - CODING ERROR REPORTED TO S8 ***

  5. I finished the quest where you get the baron's clubhouse, but did not have the room so I clicked store. Now i'm unable to find it? Does anyone know where it would be located in the inventory??
