
2020-04-23 The Misty Marshlands [May-07 2:49 Finished]

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Swamp Scythe: Watchtower/*** Watchtower
Marsh Camouflage: adventure
Sheep Feed: Farmhouse/*** Farmhouse
Swamp Berry: Marsh Reeds
Marsh Guidebook
Swamp Bugs: Marsh Reeds/Muddling (Pet)
Muddy Compass: Tough Muddling (spawn from Marsh Reeds/Marsh Tree)
* Tough Muddling
Snake Skin: Swamp Snake (spawn from Swamp Settlement/Marsh Tree/Marsh Reeds)
Dragonfly Wisp: Swamp Skimmer
* Swamp Skimmer
Marshland Permit: Royal Exchange
Black Sheep Fur: Marsh Tree
Conqueror's Medallion: Swamp Hydra (Swamp Hydra spawns from Dark Den)

Odette's Nest: drops coin only
Aardvark [250 GEM]: Muddy Compass, Swamp Bugs, few energies (it doesn't drop Dragonfly Wisp.)
Collection time: 4 hours

Wisp Lantern: Sparkling Mine, Deep Mine, adventures, Feed the Baron Kitchen craft, Flyger, White Flyger, Armored Flyger, Flyger Cub, White Flyger Cub, Direwolf, Direwolf Pup, Enfield Kit, Interpret the Wizard (mystic card), Plush Prince + Princess, Armored Wyvern, Wyvern Hatchling, Meadow Wolf, Armored Lion, Lion, Royal Lion, Ornery Goat,   Fire Fly Cove (Levle 7), Ring Bearer Goat, Birthday Goat, Vampire Bat, Pumpkin Goat, Gingerman, Gingerman Stack, Fi-Fi, Shadow Kitsunecorn, Armored Black Bear,  Paper Tiger, Salvatore, Royal Siren, Siren, Mantistorm Cub, Mantistorm, Truffle, Fangbeast Puppet, Puppet Theatre (Level 6), Maxotaur, Shadow Fangbeast, Shadow Skunkupine, Sweet Kitsunecorn, Spring Fangpup, Armored Widow, Widow Queen, Biggest Baddest Wolf, Piggy Cottage (Level 7), Bengal Tiger, Monarch Wyvern, Kitty Knight, Kit n Boots, Arctic Sled, Present Skunkupine, Rainbow Mantis, Princess Bed, Glimmergras Dragon, Light Tower (Level 6), Lady Buninja

Into The Marshlands

1. (If you don't have) Build Thurston's Fort
2. (If you don't have) Build Sabina's House
3. Begin the Challenge (Tap "Go")

Unlocking the Misty Marshland

1. It ended automatically, so I don't know the content.
Reward: 5 GEM's

Timed: A Muddling Mess (7 days)

* If you complete A Muddling Mess in 7 days (from original release) you will receive the Muddling Pet. Once this time passes, the timed component and the Muddling Pet is no longer available.

1. Explore the Marshlands (Tap "Go")

2. Explore the Marshlands (Tap "Go")
from Forum

3. Explore the Marshlands (Tap "Go")
Reward: Muddling

1. Misty Marshlands Part 1-1

1-1. Make 2 Earl Grey Tea in the Kitchen
1-2. Give 2 Earl Grey Tea [Give]
Earl Grey Tea: 5 Water, 2 Syrup, 2 Enchanter's Essence, 2 hours

2. Misty Marshlands Part 1-2

2-1. Visit Watchtower/*** Watchtower
2-2. Gather Swamp Scythe from Watchtower/*** Watchtower

3. Misty Marshlands Part 1-3

3-1. Do any adventure
* We can use Barracks.
3-2. Gather Marsh Camouflage from adventure
from Forum
* I got the Marsh Camouflage from the Toadstool Forest Adventure.
* I did the Toadstool Foreast Adventure (2 hours) on all 4 accounts, none gave the Marsh Camouflage. I am now trying Goin' Fishing (4 hours)
I did Toadstool, Toadstool, Fishing, Toadstool.
3-3. Make Marsh Traveler's Kit in the Magic Forge
Marsh Traveler's Kit: 1 Marsh Camouflage, 1 Swamp Scythe, 5 Mithril, 1 hour

4. Misty Marshlands Part 1-4

4-1. Visit Farmhouse
4-2. Gather 5 Sheep Feed from Farmhouse/*** Farmhouse

5. Misty Marshlands Part 1-5

5-1. Make a Sheep Toy in the Potion Shop
5-2. Make 10 Sheep Lures in the Magic Forge
Sheep Toy: 20 White Petal, 10 Red Petal, 10 Wood, 30 mins
Sheep Lure: 1 Sheep Toy, 1 Sheep Feed, 1 hour

6. Misty Marshlands Part 1-6

6-1. Accept the Marsh Map (Tap "Accept")
Reward: Marsh Guidebook
* "Timed: A Muddling Mess" event needs this book.

7. Misty Marshlands Part 1-7

7-1. Expand kingdom (Tap "Go")

8. Misty Marshlands Part 1-8

8-1. Tend Marsh Reeds

9. Misty Marshlands Part 1-9

9-1. Gather 25 Swamp Bugs from Marsh Reeds
9-2. Give 25 Swamp Bugs [Give]
9-3. Gather 250 Swamp Berries from Marsh Reeds and give them [Give]

10. Misty Marshlands Part 1-10

10-1. Tend to Marsh Reeds
10-2. Defeat a Tough Muddling

11. Misty Marshlands Part 1-11

11-1. Expand kingdom ("Timed: A Muddling Mess" part 3)
* I did nothing

12. Misty Marshlands Part 2-1

12-1. Visit the Mysterious House (If you expand kingdom you can get it.)

13. Misty Marshlands Part 2-2

13-1. Defeat a Tough Muddling
13-2. Gather ? Muddy Compass
13-3. Gather 6 Swamp Bugs
13-4. Make a Glowing Compass in the Workshop
Glowing Compass: 4 Muddy Compass, 10 Wisp Lantern, 6 Swamp Bugs, 5 hours

14. Misty Marshlands Part 2-3

14-1. Visit Library
14-2. Give 2 Earl Grey Tea [Give]

15. Misty Marshlands Part 2-4

15-1. Visit Thurston's Fort
Reward: Swamp Staff

16. Misty Marshlands Part 2-5

16-1. Expand kingdom (Tap "Go")

17. Misty Marshlands Part 2-6

17-1. Tend the Swamp Skimmer
17-2. Gather 10 Dragonfly Wisps
* Dragonfly Wisp is rare.
17-3. Give 10 Dragonfly Wisps [Give]
* I got 10th Dragonfly Wisp but game reloaded and I lost it. I used GEM (Storm8 is super fool.)

18. Misty Marshlands Part 3-1

18-1. Visit the Library
18-2. Visit the Thurston's Fort
18-3. Visit the Odette's Nest

19. Misty Marshlands Part 3-2

19-1. Expand kingdom

20. Misty Marshlands Part 3-3

20-1. Clear a Marsh Tree
20-2. Defeat a Tough Muddling
20-3. Find the Ancient Swamp Map (Tough Muddling drops it. We have to defeat 2 ... 4  Tough Muddling)

21. Misty Marshlands Part 3-4

21-1. Visit the Odette's Nest

22. Misty Marshlands Part 3-5

22-1. Visit the Old Thomas's House
Reward: Traveler's Spell

23. Misty Marshlands Part 3-6

23-1. Expand kingdom
We have to expand here first
next place

24. Misty Marshlands Part 3-7

24-1. Visit the Swamp Settlement (collection time: 8 hours)
* Defeat monster before visiting the Swamp Settlement (Swamp Snake appear)

25. Misty Marshlands Part 3-8

25-1. Defeat the Swamp Snake (spawn from Swamp Settlement)
25-2. Gather Snake Skin (Swamp Snake drops it)
Swamp Snake
Reward: Marshland Permit

26. Misty Marshlands Part 3-9

26-1. Defeat the Swamp Snake (spawn from Swamp Settlement/Marsh Tree/Marsh Reeds)
26-2. Gather 5 Snake Skin (Swamp Snake drops it)
26-3. Gather 8(?) Swamp Bugs
26-4. Get a Marshland Permit in the Royal Exchange (nothing to do)
Marshland Permit: 5 Snake Skin, 5 Expansion Permit, 8 Swamp Bugs, 6 hours

27. Misty Marshlands Part 4-1

27-1. Expand kingdom (Tap "Go")
We have to expand here first
here (We have one Marshland Permit)

28. Misty Marshlands Part 4-2

28-1. Visit 20 community kingdoms
28-2. Ask for 20 Home Remedies [ASK]
28-3. Visit Sabina's House
Reward: Hold Sabina's Medallion

29. Misty Marshlands Part 4-3

29-1. Expand kingdom (Tap "Go")

30. Misty Marshlands Part 4-4

30-1. Clear a Marsh Tree
30-2. Find a Black Sheep Fur from Marsh Tree
30-3. Visit the Dark Den
* Defeat monster before visiting the Dark Den (Swamp Hydra appear)

31. Misty Marshlands Part 4-5

31-1. Defeat the Swamp Hydra (it appeared already)
31-2. Find the Conqueror's Medallion from Swamp Hydra
31-3. Tap "Give"
Swamp Hydra (150 Hits)
Reward: Odette

The Marshlands Conqueror

1. Tap "Go"
Reward: Lost Sheep



  1. How do i get the jeweled talon to unlock Thurston fort plz help

    1. from Forum:
      After you build the princess house and collect from the house the first time she gives it to you.
      * princess house = Sabina's House ?

  2. I have been collecting from my farmhouses for several days, several times a day, and no sheep feed has been dropped. Any tips?

    1. I'm sorry. I can't help you. (Max Sheep Feed is 99. Check your inventory.)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
