
2020-09-24 An Elemental Discovery (Part III) [Nov-04 Finished]



Poisoned Jewels: Sparkling Mine/Sawmill/Toxic Spirit (drops 1 ... 3 it)

Timed: An Elemental Discovery Part (III)

1-1. Clear this event within 45 days

Reward: Ancient Turtle

1. An Elemental Discovery (Part III) 1

1-1. Tap "Go"


2. An Elemental Discovery (Part III) 2

2-1. Visit Ivy's Hut
2-2. Tend Calder (collection time = 22 hours)


3. An Elemental Discovery (Part III) 3

3-1. Visit Sparkling Mine or Sawmill
3-2. Gather Poisoned Jewels


4. An Elemental Discovery (Part III) 4

4-1. Tend to Bush
4-2. Clear Willow Tree


5. An Elemental Discovery (Part III) 5

5-1. Gather 8(?) Poisoned Maps
5-2. Gather 5(?) Poisoned Wood
5-3. Gather 45 Poisoned Jewels
5-4. Make 1 Earth Talisman in the Magic Forge

Earth Talisman: 8 Poisoned Map, 5 Poisoned Wood, 45 Poisoned Jewel, 4 hours


6. An Elemental Discovery (Part III) 6

6-1. Tend to 1 Iceland Poppy Patches
6-2. Tend to 1 Blue Flower Penstemons
6-3. Tend to 1 Talinum Auranticums


If you have Toxic Spirit, don't finish part 7 before collecting +50 Ivy's Antidote. I expanded kingdom then Toxic Spirit didn't drop anything.

7. An Elemental Discovery (Part III) 7

7-1. Gather ? Ivy's Antidote
7-2. Make ? Wind Chimes in the Magic Forge
7-3. Make ? Water Compass in the Magic Forge
7-4. Make ? Earth Talisman in the Magic Forge
7-5. Visit the Sublunaral Temple (expand kingdom)

First time we have to expand here.

expand: 3000 Royal Point, 500000 coin, 50 Eartn Wisp, 6 Expansion Permit

expand: 35 Ivy's Antidote, 10 Wind Chimes, 10 Water Compass, 20 Earth Talisman


8. An Elemental Discovery (Part III) 8

8-1. Make "Enter the Earth Temple" in the Sublunaral Temple
8-2. Tap "Go" (Toxic Queen spawns from Sublunaral Temple)

Enter the Earth Temple: 5 Golden Nugget, 5 Golden Egg, 1 min


9. An Elemental Discovery (Part III) 9

9-1. Defeat the Toxic Queen (299 hits)

Toxic Queen


10. An Elemental Discovery (Part III) 10

10-1. Make a Earthly Celebration in the Sublunaral Temple

Earthly Celebration: 20 Poisoned Map, 25 Mithril, 50 Ivy's Antidote, 8 hours

Mithril: Mithril Dragon (guaranteed), Deep Mine, Dark Cave Formation, Sir Pigglesworth, Jeweler Trade (rare), Armored Alicorn, Armored Manticore, Onyx Temple, Fey Courthouse, Dive into the Abyss adventure, Armored Flyger, Mothraki Knight, Armored Wyvern, Armor Stand, Armored Lion, Vampire Bat, Armored Black Bear, Renata (guaranteed), Royal Siren, Bengal Tiger, Monarch Wyvern, Hiss in Boots, Kitty Knight, Rainbow Mantis, Glimmergras Dragon, Armored Lizard, Dark Knight, Armida, Philomena, Kang, Duchess Winifred

Reward: Tierrabella

An Elemental Mystery

1. Visit Tierrabella



no need to expand here


  1. I never received the cute turtle does that mean I did something wrong ?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You have to finish An Elemental Discovery event part 3.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
