
2015-11-05 Monster Hunt Season 3


This season requires Level 22+, and is live from 11/05 @ 12pm to 11/16 @ 11:30am

Level 22+
Android players don't get the Daily Hunt.

Tips and Tricks:
* DON'T tap the troll pit!!!! Regular trolls don't drop tokens. Neither do pink skunkupines, pink alicorn, wedding alicorn, Gem horses or Sir Daisy.
* Monsters also drop their normal items in addition to the tokens
* Do the Novice Hunter Trade if you are nearly maxed on Shield tokens so that they don't go to waste

Link to Information Nugget on Beasts extract:

Skunkupine - Flowers, Corn, Wheat, Sugar, Tomato, Fellora Plant, Pepe, some Trees, Plants, Skunkupine Trap (5 gems)
Fangbeast - Animals, Hot Pepper, Carrot, Trees, some Buildings, Fangbeast Trap (5 gems)
Dire Boar - Cabbage, Cocoa, Strawberry, Glimmer Bulbs, Buildings, Goddess Tree, Multi Flowered Hedge, Mushrooms, Pond, Well, Dire Boar Trap (5 gems), Rock Outcropping 
A Level 5 Jousting Arena will spawn a monster on every collection.
Link to Jousting Arena Renovations thread: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread....evels-4-amp-5)

The Trade Wagon - Season 3 - new trade names
1. Lucky Token Trade 3 seconds: 10 Shield Tokens, 10 Sword Tokens, 10 Staff Tokens
2. Bronze Hunter Trade 3 seconds: 50 Shield Tokens
3. Silver Hunter Trade 3 seconds: 50 Shield Tokens, 25 Sword Tokens
4. Gold Hunter Trade 3 seconds: 50 Shield Tokens, 25 Sword Tokens, 25 Staff Tokens

The Tokens! - You can have a max of 120 of each of these in inventory
Shield Token - awarded upon attacking skunkupines, fangbeasts, dire boars and glimmer golems
Sword Tokens - awarded upon slaying fangbeasts, dire boars and glimmer golems
Staff Tokens - awarded upon attacking dire boars, blue dire boars and glimmer golems
Gold Tokens - ONLY come from crafting the Sovereign Hunter Trade

Information on Statues - 22 hour collection time.
You can now craft the statues with gold coins.

Skunkupine - 10 gold coins
Fangbeast - 25 gold coins
Dire boar - 50 gold coins.
Note: if they don't have the timer on them, put them in inventory and place them again.

Drops from Statues
Skunkupine Statue: shield tokens (around 5 per collection)
Fangbeast Statue: sword tokens (around 2 per collection)
Dire boar Statue: staff tokens (around 1 per collection)

Goals for Season 3
Part 1: Seasonal Trading - collect 30 tokens, complete any Token trade. Reward: 1400 coin, 5xp, 1 pile of tokens.
Part 2: Troll Cultures - defeat any 10 monsters. Reward: 1400 coin, 5xp, 1 pile of tokens.
Part 3: For You My Liege - defeat any 25 monsters. Reward: 2400 coin, 7xp, 1 Season 3 slayer statue.

The Daily Hunt - iOS only- each day you will have the chance to battle a monster to get Tokens. There are 3 types of Daily Hunts:
1. Novice Challenge - defeat 5 skunkupines or fangbeasts [10 energy crate]
2. Adept Challenge - collect from a Dead Tree to trigger a blue dire boar (30 hits) [10 energy crate]
3. Sovereign Challenge - collect from a Coin Brown Horse to trigger a purple golem (90 hits) [25 energy crate]
Reward for each hunt is an energy crate - it goes to your inventory so you can chop it anytime you want!
Note: you get multi hits on each sword hit, so a 30 hit monster might only take 20 energy.


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