
2015-11-XX Turkeys Animal Events


1.Where are the Turkeys
Go to the Library x3
Read the Turkey scroll x1 (press read)
2.Giving Holiday
HAVE some Holiday Felt (20) from Market Place & Gifting
GATHER some Fall Leaves (20) from Gifting and/or Chop Red/Yellow Acer Trees
3.Lean Mean Sewing Machine
HAVE some Wool (10) Need 10 for crafting turkey costume
HAVE some Yellow Dye (2) (White Petal x 4, Orange Petal x 4, Water x 3)
HAVE some Red Dye (2) (Red Petal x 3, Water x 3)

4.Costume Painting
CRAFT the Turkey Costume (workshop 4hr. 20 felt, 30 fall leaves, 10 wool
USE the Yellow Dyes
USE the Red Dyes
5.Per-sueding The Cow
FEED the cow 50 corn
FEED the cow 50 wheat
GIVE the cow 50 water
DRESS the cow

6.Milked of all Puns
Welcome your new baby cow - PET


Turkey Chicken - re-released 2015-11-16

1.Egg in Values
Collect from chickens x 50
Give 30 chicken eggs
Give 20 roast chickens
Visit cottage 5 times

2.Something Smells Fow
Give water to the bath - 50 water
Craft Ivy's bath potion x 3

3.So Fresh and Clean
Give wood to the bath x 20 wood
Use Ivy's bath potion
Potions takes 10 x white petal, 10 x orange petal and 20 milk and takes 1 hour to craft

4.Hatch An Idea
Use some fur - x 10 fur
Have some Holiday Felt x 20
Have some blue dye x 2
Have some purple dye x 2
Give 10 fur
Blue Dye : 6 Blue Petal, 3 Water 1hour
Purple Dye : 6 Purple Petal, 3 Water 1hour

5.Turkey Chicken
CRAFT a Turkey Costume (workshop 4hr. 20 holiday felt. 30 fall leaves. 10 wool
USE the Blue Dye (2)
USE the Purple Dye (2)
DRESS the Chicken (1)

6.Ruffled Feathers
PET the baby Turkey Chicken (x2)

Turkey Pig - ON ITS WAY! re-released 2015-11-19

1.When Pigs Fly
GIVE Baron some Prime Cuts(10)
GIVE Baron some Truffles(10)

2.Squealing In Excitement
Pick the perfect Pig (x10) GO
PET the chosen Pig

3.Hogs and Kisses
Have some Cherry Blossoms (x18) ASK

4.Pig Oinkment
GIVE some water to the pot (50)
CRAFT some Smell Good Potion (x 3)
(Potion Shop 30 min. 10 White Petals. 10 Purple Petals. 6 Cherry Blossoms)

Use the Smell Good Potion (3)
Go to the Market (1x for more Holiday Felt
Craft the Turkey Costume (1)
(Workshop 4 hrs. 20 Holiday Felts, 30 Fall Leaves & 10 Wool)

6.Never a Boar
Show the cutie off - pet pig x 2, each one is hourly.

2013-11-21 Turkey Sheep - Update PERGOLA

1.Shear Determination
Inspect each sheep x 3
Have some shears x 6 (ask friends)
Shear the sheep x 1

2.Cold without wool
Feed the sheep some wheat x 30
Feed the sheep some corn x 50
Feed the sheep some water x 40

3.Who let the sheep out
Check the library x 2
Check the stables x 2
Check the jeweller x 2
Check the cottage x 2
Check the tower x 2 (Lantern Spire or Watchtower)

4.Missed the one that flashed up after who let the sheep out, but it had
Visit market x 1
Have some holiday felt x 20

5.Craft the Turkey Costume
Holiday felt x 20
Fallen leaves x 30
Wool x 10

6.Dress the Sheep
Tap "Dress"

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