
2018-03-15 Going Gnome / Glimmerwood Eggs [updated Mar-25 14:15]

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[The Mystic event bug] Stuff of Storm8 wrote message on forum.
This issue seems to happen when you visit a neighbor who already has Maya. When this happens, please force close the game as a temporary fix. We are still working on a permanent fix so this doesn't happen anymore. Thank you everyone for your patience..
If you have a Maya please uncheck her until Storm8 fix the bug.

Dark Queen's Egg: Rocket Larkspur/Larkspur Shrub
Princess' Egg: Chicken
Troll's Egg: White Birch
Ruler's Egg: Dead Tree

Realm's Egg: Dead Tree (rare)
Witch's Egg: Ivy's Hut
Wise Man's Egg: Skunkupine (I chopped Dead Tree and found Skunkupine.)
Fool's Egg: Stable

1. Going Gnome 1

1-1. Find the Ruler's Egg from Dead Tree.
1-2. Find the Dark Queen's Egg from Rocket Larkspur/Larkspur Shrub.
1-3. Find the Princess' Egg from Chicken.
1-4. Trade Eggs for the Bronze Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
Bronze Egg Token: 2 Queen's Egg, 2 Princess' Egg, 5 Ruler's Egg, 30 mins
*** If I visit Magic Forge then Castle Story crashed. I can't play this event.

2. Going Gnome 2

2-1. Find the Ruler's Egg from Dead Tree.
2-2. Find the Troll's Egg from White Birch.
2-3. Find the Witch's Egg from Ivy's Hut.
2-4. Trade Eggs for the Sliver Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
White Birch
Sliver Egg Token: 5 Troll's Egg, 1 Witch's Egg, 5 Ruler's Egg, 2 hours

3. Going Gnome 3

3-1. Find the Ruler's Egg from Dead Tree.
3-2. Find the Wise Man's Egg from Skunkupine.
3-3. Find the Fool's Egg from Stable.
3-4. Trade Eggs for the Gold Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
Gold Egg Token: 1 Wise Man's Egg, 1 Fool's Egg, 10 Ruler's Egg, 1 hour

4. Going Gnome 4

4-1. Trade Eggs for the Bronze Egg Token at the Magic Forge. (Need 2 Tokens but we have 1 Token already.)
4-2. Trade Eggs for the 2 Silver Egg Token at the Magic Forge. (Need 2 Tokens but we have 1 Token already.)
4-3. Trade Eggs for the 2 Gold Egg Token at the Magic Forge. (Need 2 Tokens but we have 1 Token already.)
4-4. Trade Egg Tokens for a Spring Chick at the Egg Workshop
Spring Chick: 2 Bronze Egg Toke, 2 Silver Egg Token, 2 Gold Egg Token, 5 min
Reward: 5 Spring Chick

5. Going Gnome 5

5-1. Trade Eggs for the 3 Bronze Egg Tokens at the Magic Forge.
5-2. Trade Eggs for the 3 Silver Egg Tokens at the Magic Forge.
5-3. Trade Eggs for the 3 Gold Egg Tokens at the Magic Forge.
5-4. Trade Egg Tokens for a Spring Calf at the Egg Workshop
Spring Calf: 3 Bronze Egg Toke, 3 Silver Egg Token, 3 Gold Egg Token, 5 min

6. Going Gnome 6

6-1. Trade Eggs for the 4 Bronze Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
6-2. Trade Eggs for the 4 Silver Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
6-3. Trade Eggs for the 4 Gold Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
6-4. Trade Egg Tokens for Spring Piglet at the Egg Workshop.
Spring Piglet: 4 Bronze Egg Toke, 4 Silver Egg Token, 4 Gold Egg Token, 5 min

7. Going Gnome 7

7-1. Trade Eggs for the 5 Bronze Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
7-2. Trade Eggs for the 5 Silver Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
7-3. Trade Eggs for the 5 Gold Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
7-4. Trade Egg Tokens for Spring Lamb at the Egg Workshop.
Spring Lamb: 5 Bronze Egg Toke, 5 Silver Egg Token, 5 Gold Egg Token, 5 min

8. Going Gnome 8

8-1. Ask neighbors for 20 Knighting Certificates [ASK]
8-2. Trade Eggs for the 8 Bronze Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
8-3. Trade Eggs for the 8 Silver Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
8-4. Trade Eggs for the 8 Gold Egg Token at the Magic Forge.
8-5. Trade Egg Tokens for Pastel Alicorn at the Egg Workshop.
Pastel Alicorn: 5 Bronze Egg Toke, 5 Silver Egg Token, 5 Gold Egg Token, 5 min

----- Forum Info -----
If you want more than one Pastel Alicorn in your kingdom, make sure you CRAFT one first before purchasing one in the market (175 GEM).

The Great Egg Exchange

1. Clear a Dead Tree.
2. Gather Realm's Egg from Dead Tree.
3. Trade for Supplies at the Royal Exchange.

Egg Trade
Reward: I got Eggs. How many ? I don't remember.


Egging You On

1. Buy a Gnome Trap at the Market.
2. Slay the Egging Gnome (from Farmhouse).
3. Gather 45 Knight's Eggs (Egging Gnome drops it).
4. Craft an Egging Gnome at the Egg Workshop.
Egging Gnome
Gnome Trap
Egg Workshop
Egging Gnome
I got a Hewitt (not Storage. Hewitt is walking in our kingdom)



  1. So there are 2 different kind of eggs from the dead trees? Doesn't make much sense to do this

    1. Yes. Ruler's Egg and Realm's Egg. Realm's Egg is rare.

  2. How do I get the town square

    1. from Forum
      Information from the FAQ section in game:
      * As you expand your kingdom, you will meet new friends who can become Citizens of the realm.

      * TOWN HALL: You can choose which Citizens to display in your kingdom by visiting the Town Hall and checking 'In Kingdom". If you reach the Citizen limit, you may uncheck "In Kingdom" on a Citizen to put a Citizen in the Kingdom into Town Hall. Which Citizens you choose to display will not affect your Kingdom Goals.

      * STORE: You can purchase additional Citizens to display in your Kingdom. Characters marked with the Storybook Icon come with additional content such as exclusive quests or items.

      * CITIZENS ON QUEST: Sometimes Citizens may leave your board while you're at a particular point in the Story. These Citizens will be marked as "On Quest" in Town Hall and will return as you progress.

      Additional information from S8:
      * The Town Square is available in versions 2.1+ on both iOS and Android.

      * The citizens available for purchase in the Town Square Store do not have a particular event associated with them, but can be purchased with currency won from participating in events.

      * The limit of Citizens on your board is currently 20.

      * Crown count: to see how many crowns you have, select one of the new citizens then exit.

      * Crown count: why you don?t have 500 when goal 10 from Smoochie Booth event is complete - you must have upgraded your app to v1.9+ (Accessing a lower version after starting the event in 1.9 will reset progress) - if you didn't upgrade the app till after goal 4 to the latest version where the Town Square feature was introduced, then you received more in your Smoochie Booth bundle and not crowns. In other words the Town Square must have been available in your game (ie you are playing the latest versions of the app from either the Play and/or App Store) to get the crowns.

      * There will be more opportunities to get Crowns.
