
2018-03-XX The Mystic [updated Mar-30 19:03]

If you get a Maya then this event start.

----- Info by ROYAL ELSIE -----
1. Collect Blue Card from Alcia the horse. Make Red Card at the Crystal Ball. Make Purple Car at the Pond of Sight.
2. Go to Maya's Tent and Draw your Card. It will give your either a Worker, Knight, Wizard, or Ruler Card. When you have 3 of each, then ...
3. Interpret your Card. Interpreting Woker Card will give you Glue, Blocks, Beams. Interpreting Knight Card gives Sword, Armour, etc. Interpreting Wizard Card gives Essence, Magic Fruit, Living Wood, etc. Interpreting Ruler Card gives Energy.

1. The Mystic 1

1-1. Visit the Cottage
1-2. Use a Hearty Stew.
Reward: Alcina

2. The Mystic 2

2-1. Collect a Alcina

3. The Mystic 3

3-1 Buy the Crystal Ball at the Market
3-2. Build the Crystal Ball
Crystal Ball
Crystal Ball build: 3 Fancy Block, 5 Blue Dye, 3 Fancy Beam, 6 Super Glue

4. The Mystic 4

4-1. Use Crystal Ball
?: 2 Red Dye, 3 Enchanter's Essence, 3 Wood, 2 hours

5. The Mystic 5

5-1. Buy the Pond of Sight at the Market
5-2. Build the Pond of Sight
Pond of Sight
Pond of Sight build: 8 Super Glue, 4 Fancy Block, 4 Fancy Beam, 40 Water

6. The Mystic 6

6-1. Use Pond of Sight
?: 2 Purple Dye, 2 Lumin Essence, 3 Wood, 3 hours

7. The Mystic 7

7-1. Buy the Mystic Tent at the Market and build it.
7-2. Use Mystic Tent
Mystic Tent
Mystic Tent build: 2 Enchanted Beam, 2 Wisp Lantern, 2 Enchanted Block, 5 Golden Nugget
*** Check your Inventory. You have cards maybe.

8. The Mystic 8

8-1 Interpet your Mystic Cards


1 comment :

  1. It’s taking ades to get the worker cards. Getting Blue mystic card all the time. Any tips?
